Turn History

I. Mortality Phase
The imminent 2nd Illyrian War becomes active.

Draw 2...
Draw #15: Sulpicius of Luna dies! Talents, Prior Consul and Knight markers are removed. Sulpicius card moved to Curia.
Draw #14: Aelius of Aquila dies! Priest marker is removed. Aelius card moved to Curia.
II. Revenue Phase
Pontifex Maximus Temple Donations: dr=6

Faction Income
(Existing Visible Monies + Senator Income + Provincial Income + Knights + Concessions + Other = New Visible Total)
Corona:   15 + 5 + 0 + 2 + 2 + 0 = 24t
Parma:   5 + 4 + 0 + 2 + 4 + 0 = 15t
Manus:   10 + 5 + 0 + 0 + 9 + 0 = 24t
Luna:   3 + 6 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 0 = 9t
Aquila:   3 + 5 + 0 + 3 + 5 + 6 (PM temple donations) = 22t

State Income
Current Treasury: 116t
Annual Revenue: +100t
Provincial Income: +7t
   Sicilia: dr=5 + 2 = 7t
   Sardinia et Corsica: -dr=-1 + 1 = 0t
Force Maintenance: -52t (14 legions, 12 fleets)
Active Wars: -60t (1st Macedonian War, 1st Illyrian War, 2nd Punic War)
Land Bills: -10t (Type III)
Contributions: 0t
New State Treasury: 116 + 100 + 7 - 52 - 60 - 10 + 0 = 101t

Provincial Unit Builds
Sicilia: Calpurnius raises 2 provincial armies and 2 provincial fleets
Sardinia et Corsica: Junius raises 1 provincial fleet

Governor Terms
Sicilia: Calpurnius of Parma completes term 3 and returns to Rome, Corrupt!
Sardinia et Corsica: Junius of Corona completes term 3 and returns to Rome, Corrupt!
III. Forum Phase
No Recruitment event is discarded.

1st Initiative - Faction of Parma
Initiative Roll DR=7: Random event: TDR=11; Storm at Sea!; DR=11; 11 fleets are destroyed!
Claudius spends 0t to attract a Knight; dr=6 + 0 = 6; Success!

2nd Initiative - Faction of Manus
Initiative Roll DR=9: Draws a red card.
Aemilius spends 0t to attract a Knight; dr=6 + 0 = 6; Success!

3rd Initiative - Faction of Luna
Initiative Roll DR=3: Draws 1st Gallic War! War card is placed in Active Wars.
Valerius spends 0t to attract a Knight; dr=6 + 0 = 6; Success!

4th Initiative - Faction of Aquila
Initiative Roll DR=8: Draws a red card.
Fulvius attempts to persuade unaligned senator Julius.
Base = 2 Oratory + 26 Influence + 0 Bribes - 9 Loyalty = 19
Counter-bribes: -0 Corona, -0 Parma, -0 Manus -0, Luna -0, Aquila +0
New Base = 9; DR=5; Success!
Julius joins the Faction of Aquila.
Fulvius spends 0t to attract a Knight; dr=2 + 0 = 2; Fails.

5th Initiative - Faction of Corona
Initiative Roll DR=8: Draws a red card.
Flaminius spends 1t to attract a Knight; dr=3 + 1 = 4; Fails.

6th Initiative - Faction of Aquila
Bids: Parma 0, Manus 0, Luna 2t, Aquila 3t, Corona 1t
Fulvius of Aquila spends 3t on the 6th initiative.
Initiative Roll DR=3: Draws a red card.
Fulvius spends 0t to attract a Knight; dr=4 + 0 = 4; Fails.

Curia Rolls
2nd Punic War Tax Farmer destruction: dr=2; Tax Farmer 2 is destroyed. Card is moved to Curia.
Hannibal Tax Farmer destruction: dr=5; No effect.
Terentius: dr=3; Remains in Curia.
Plautius: dr=5; Moved to Forum.
Sulpicius: dr=1; Remains in Curia.
Aelius: dr=1; Remains in Curia.
Tax Farmer 2: dr=2; Remains in Curia.

Other Business
Manlius of Manus receives a prior consul marker.
Claudius of Parma receives a prior consul marker.
T. Quinctius Flamininus of Manus receives a prior consul marker.
IV. Population Phase
HRAO is Claudius of Parma.
Unrest Level is increased by 2 due to unprosecuted wars (1st Macedonian War, 1st Illyrian War).
Unrest Level is increased by 1 due to Drought (1st Illyrian War).

Current Unrest Level: 15
HRAO Popularity: 2
Population Roll: TDR=12
New Unrest Level: -15 + 2 + 12 = -1; People Revolt; all players lose!!!
V. Senate Phase
Consular Elections
Claudius nominates ??? of ??? and ??? of ???.
Result: ??;

Pontifex Maximus Election

Censor Election

Governor Elections

Open Session

VI. Combat Phase

VII. Revolution Phase
Faction of Parma Actions

Faction of Manus Actions

Faction of Luna Actions

Faction of Aquila Actions

Faction of Corona Actions