This application will significantly streamline the Revenue Phase of your Republic of Rome games. Fill out the form below and click one of the Generate Revenue buttons. This will display the revenue that's generated for the State and each Faction.
Faction revenue is in the form of a "lump sum" rather than assigned to individual Senators. All revenue generated is to be added to what is already in play.
Most game situations are handled by this application. This includes legion & fleet maintenance, land bills, active wars, concessions, graft from Aegyptian and Sicilian Grain (due to droughts), provincial improvement, provincial spoils, provincial taxes, negative provincial spoils applied to the State rather than Faction, Pontifex Maximus's temple donations, and Provincial Wars. Select the "No Revenue" option for scenarios when a province's normal revenue does not occur (e.g. Barbarian Raids, Internal Disorder, and wars attacking provinces).
Clicking the Save Game button will download a file with the game's data. Reload previously saved game files via the Load Game button.