The most current information about the state of the game. The RoR forums are fairly active.
A summary and bit of history on the game itself.
Youtube video with a short explanation and review of RoR. Information is based on the Valley Games edition of RoR.
Youtube video with a short explanation and review of RoR. Information is based on the Valley Games edition of RoR.
Youtube video that teaches the game. Information is based on the Avalon Hill edition of RoR.
This site is quite dated, but contains various bits of information about RoR, strategy, and other resources. Information within is based on the Avalon Hill edition of RoR.
This site is quite dated, but contains various bits of information about RoR, Roman History, and other resources. Information within is based on the Avalon Hill edition of RoR.
This site is quite dated, but contains various bits of information about RoR, strategy, and other resources. Information within is based on the Avalon Hill edition of RoR.